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27 items matching your criteria.

- ED Matrices [1%] by landguth, 2010-09-07 08:48
- Euclidean Distance Matrices
- New Data June 2010 [1%] by landguth, 2010-06-20 20:39
- New sampling data...
- IBD Results 2010 May [1%] by landguth, 2010-06-10 08:26
- Project Reviews [1%] by landguth, 2010-05-18 11:43
- Student project reviews
- Final Project Reports [1%] by landguth, 2010-05-05 10:48
- Final Presentations from May 5, 2010 [1%] by landguth, 2010-05-05 10:47
- No Barrier 10K Move2 [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-19 07:46
- Potentially a null model to compare with Barrier 10K Move 2 simulations.
- Landscape A25 L25 No Mutation [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-09 13:55
- Landscape A25 L20 No Mutation [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-09 13:53
- Landscape A25 L15 No Mutation [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-09 13:52
- Landscape A25 L10 No Mutation [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-09 13:51
- Landscape A25 L5 - No Mutation [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-09 13:50
- Lab 8 Results [1%] by landguth, 2010-03-04 08:08
- The output results from CDPOP for the 4 scenarios (IBD,IBB,IBR,PAN) from week 8. zip Archives with 10 Monte Carlo runs. Also includes cost distance matrices ...
- Data [1%] by landguth, 2010-02-24 09:05
- Project Temporal Power Analysis [1%] by landguth, 2010-02-24 08:47
- Lab Materials [1%] by landguth, 2010-02-19 10:50
- Background Reading [1%] by landguth, 2010-02-19 10:46
- Student Projects [1%] by landguth, 2010-02-15 14:31
- List of proposed student projects and information and project-specific folders
- Project Topic: Sampling [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:43
- Project Topic: Animal Movement [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:42
- Project Topic: Networks [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:42
- Project Topic: Markers & Efficiency [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:42
- Project Topic: Temporal Power Analysis [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:41
- Project Topic: Landscape Genetics Website [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:41
- Project Topic: Adaptive Variation [1%] by landguth, 2010-01-24 07:40
- Course Software [1%] by landguth, 2009-12-08 04:34
- Computer software and corresponding materials.
- Re: Years vs. Generations [1%] by landguth, 2009-03-23 09:19
- Good point!