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- Lecture: recording [1%] by wagner, 2009-08-19 07:56
- Week 7: Null expectations in landscape genetics [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 5: Observing and interpreting current gene flow [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 2: Alternative views of landscapes [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 13: Landscape genetics of adaptive variation [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 8: Role of simulation modeling [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 12: Network-based methods [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 11: Quantifying the organism perspective: scale of response and matrix resistance [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 10: Distance-based methods [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 9: Model selection and validation [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 6: Identifying discrete populations [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 12:32
- Week 4: Gene Flow Measurements: what, where, how many [1%] by wagner, 2009-05-04 10:46
- Week 3: What is genetic diversity and how do we measure it? [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-24 07:55
- Re: Overlap between lectures 8 and 11. [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-15 18:59
- Yes, we'll figure out which of the slides go in which lecture once the final order of lectures has been decided. Yes, the paper should be assigned once ...
- Re: Other sequential organization for lectures? [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 12:01
- We could probably come up with many possible orders and not agree on any. However, now that we see the draft slides, we should give this some thought again. ...
- Re: About graph and link between lecture 9 and 4 [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 11:56
- I also have a slide on graph theory / network analysis in lecture 5. I can turn this into a link to the previous lecture.
- Link to model selection [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 11:53
- This lecture relies on model selection, so maybe it should come after lecture 11?
- Black bear example [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 11:43
- Hi Sam - The black bear example is used in several lectures (8, 11, 12), we should think about exactly which slides go where. Here you already show the ...
- Spatial autocorrelation [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 11:39
- I wonder whether spatial autocorrelation could / should be moved to the distance-based methods lecture. Also, I have some reservations about interpreting ...
- Sampling design [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 11:32
- Where do we treat sampling design, sample size, and the problem of unsampled populations within the study area? I thought this would be treated in lecture ...
- random vs. IBD [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 10:07
- Looks good! Although this is already implied, it may be worth, to include a slide highlighting that naively we would use randomness as a null model, as is ...
- Assignment tests: lecture 3 or 4? [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 04:26
- Lecture 3 seems really full, and the topic of assignment tests only makes sense in the context of discrete populations, hence it may be a good idea to move ...
- Re: Literature lists for each lecture [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 04:09
- Here are my two cents: I think we should distinguish different types of literature listed: - required reading for a lecture (ca. 2 per lecture, reviews ...
- Re: Extra topic suggestion: Difference among genetic markers [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-11 04:01
- I think the topic is introduced in lecture 2 and the recommended reading for that week. What exactly do you think is needed in addition? Would the choice of ...
- Re: False discovery rate [1%] by wagner, 2009-03-08 17:05
- Hi Stephanie - yes, could you please send me the paper? Thanks, Helene
- General comments on lectures [1%] by wagner, 2009-02-25 07:27
- Please use this forum for comments that do not relate to one specific lecture.
- Week 14: Landscape genetics of adaptive variation [1%] by wagner, 2009-02-21 07:52
- Week 13: Observing and interpreting current gene flow [1%] by wagner, 2009-02-21 07:51
- Week 12: Quantifying the organism perspective: scale of response and matrix resistance [1%] by wagner, 2009-02-21 07:51
- Week 11: Model selection and validation [1%] by wagner, 2009-02-21 07:50