improvement and comments
Up to Project Topic: Landscape Genetics Website
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be aware that you wont be able to log in, but all thhe content are publicly available!
following the discussion of this morning, here is a list of improvment to do:
- annd explanations of the different concept: not only a glossary of terms, but more a wikipedia-like place
- add technical / methodological Howto
- add scipts or other tools, either on the software page or in the technical howto
- add links to usefull datasets: landscape, genetics, climatic, seescape, ...
- add more paper from the existing database
- do 2 groups of paper: one with the "basic" paper that explain the concept, the other be just a review of paper
- add links to books, liket rodney pdf book
- have a bbetter directory of people, with there research fielsds, area of interrest, and perhaps links to some papers
- improve the meeting / job board
- add rss feed, and perhaps an rss aggregator ...
Please tell s what do you think of the current website, and what kind of improvment do you want to see
ont the website!