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by Barbara Thiers last modified 2009-12-09 10:45

The Southwest Environmental Information Network was created to serve as a gateway to distributed data resources of interest to the environmental research community in Arizona and beyond. Through a common web interface, we offer tools to locate, access and work with a variety of data. SEINet is more than just a web site - it is a suite of data access technologies and a distributed network of departments, museums and agencies that provide environmental information. Initially created to integrate databases within the Arizona State University, SEINet is growing to extend this network to other partners within the Southwest. Collections included: University of Arizona Herbarium University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium New York Botanical Garden Intermountain Herbarium (Utah State University) Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University) Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora (DICTUS) Navajo Nation Herbarium Grand Canyon National Park The Cochise County Herbarium US Forest Service Southwestern Region - TEUI Herbarium Arizona State University Pollen Collection Arizona State University Fruit and Seed Collection Colorado State University Herbarium University of New Mexico Herbarium NMSU Center for Natural History Collections Herbarium NMSU Center for Natural History Collections Range Science ENMU Natural History Collection Herbarium Gila Center for Natural History (WNMU) Herbarium

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