Tues PM breakout notes
Up to BIEN 3 Database structure

Matt Wheeler
PhP scripts to convert VegX XML into Django script into postGresQL
BIEN2 contents (plot data, minus individuals without unique identifier) largely transferred into this postGresQL model
VegX not designed for specimen data, mainly plots
- VegX would require constructing a plot for each specimen in order to handle geographic data, plot with area=0
- VegX handles relative coordinates for individuals within the plot [relative plot position]
- add features from Darwin Core not in VegX
- VegBank would also need modification to hold specimens
Naming conventions need some tidying up (same name used in different places)
Difficulty mapping plot data to VegX, use of transport schema as a data model is unusual
Transport schema should have everything, and learning VegX would mean familiarity with the data model it led to; VegX covers more than any one user would need, but is very broad and ready to handle more information
Users need to know VegX to move their data into VegX -- tools needed to help
BIEN3 has to be bigger than BIEN2, to capture all the information needed, and VegX is the broadest container invented
VegX is missing metadata on data access permissions, other requirements for data use; Vegbank and Salvias have them
The group followed NIck through the VegX model using XMLSpy
Mark Schildauer
Alternative to using VegX schema as designed by Matt, can something close to VegBank model be built so that its functionality -- features for data access already built -- can be available immediately. Is it more efficient to start from scratch?
Brad Boyle
Additions needed for BIEN2
- Expand enough to accept all data routinely coming with plots and specimens
- Add new data sources
- Data protection
- Importing wider variety of data models
- More metadata
- Share data beyond BIEN
- Web portal for access
- Providing utilties to data providers
Steven Dolins
Use a white paper describing BIEN (goals, database) as described by Bob Peet to generate a detailed plan for advancing BIEN3. This is necessary before negotiating iPlant support. The VegX-Vegbank data confederation is more complicated than TNRS.