Uppsala contributions to teh Roman Period project
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Hello from Uppsala. Today a group of eight of us has been discussing some of the issues of comparative Urban Morphology and cognitive values involved in the Urban Mind project which covers the Mediterranean region, as wellas teh Maya zone and the Zimbabwe plateau in southern Africawith Michael E. Smith from Arizona State Univ. Given the wide ranging interests of the c 50 humanists invovled we find it particularly useful to focus on the dichotomy between high density and low density cities and neighbourhoods and their interactions as units of urban analysis.
It would help me a lot if the Stella model digrammes we developed were made available at least for discussion between members who attended the Santa Barbara meeting and further should more of our research staff become involved in the Roman Period.
In thinking back to our modelling discussions I am interested in seeing how the units we ultimately intend to include in the (Stella) model can be addressed by available data. In Uppsala we have three post docs and a professor actively working on the Late Roman period (one with excellent it qualifications) and an advertisment posted for short term funding for four periods of three months for further post doc scholars. This should provide a critical mass for assessing the availability/suitability of different information sources Carl Folke has indiscated that SRC has a 50% post doc fellowship available for the rest of this year and 2010. Here in Uppsala we would appreciate clarifications of any proposed inter institutional cooperation which could add value to the project and assist in directing the allocation of funding for post doc scholars. .
Greetings from the far north, Paul