Extra topic suggestion: Difference among genetic markers
Up to General comments on lectures
I have a suggestion for an extra topic about the correct identification of genetic markers in population genetics studies (when to choose dominant markers vs co-dominant, difference between organelle and nuclear markers, etc). Because it is probably that the course will be taken by people with different backgrounds and expertise it would be very useful and more integrative for the course to talk about why is fundamental to choose the proper genetic marker for which research question. This topic could be included briefly in the lecture slides of the second week (genetic diversity) or third week (gene flow).
Re: Extra topic suggestion: Difference among genetic markers

I agree that it would be great to briefly talk about this in one of the early lectures. In addition, it would be nice to talk about the scale of these genetic markers (temporal (evolutionary) scale and spatial scale) and the need for research investigating the interaction between marker scale and ecological scale.
Re: Extra topic suggestion: Difference among genetic markers

I think the topic is introduced in lecture 2 and the recommended reading for that week. What exactly do you think is needed in addition? Would the choice of markers with the whole scale question be a suitable topic for a group project? We are looking for group projects that write a review-type paper on an open question of methodological choice at a specific step in the process of a landscape genetic study.
Re: Extra topic suggestion: Difference among genetic markers

Hi all,
I think this is covered a bit in lecture 2 and I suggested a background reading on this Sunnuck 2001 that I uploaded so that there could be an extra discussion group on this topic at each university if needed. I will take another look at my lecture 2 material and try to emphasize it more because you are right that it is a key concept.