Other sequential organization for lectures?
Up to General comments on lectures
In addition, following these three lectures, week 11 could be the next since is related with model selection and validation that put as in example the bears study introduced previously in week 8 and 12. Also, the lecture for week 7 could be covered after all of these previous lectures because it talks about simulation modeling related with IBD models, so the students at this point of the course are more familiar with distance measures related with landscapes.
Overall, my lecture order suggestion is: week 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 11, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 10.
We could probably come up with many possible orders and not agree on any. However, now that we see the draft slides, we should give this some thought again. Thanks Yessica for the proposition!
I'd like to throw in the following suggestions:
1. Lecture 13 would fit well after lecture 3 or 4 and before lecture 6.
2. Lecture 9 would profit from being after lecture 11.
3. Hence a possible sequence would be 2 3 4 13 6 7 5 8 12 11 9 14 10
Sorry this looks pretty jumbled!
I think this is a really good suggestion.
I would add that the bear example in 8 (and other least-cost path papers published in landscape genetics) use model selection. I think lecture 8 could also benefit from being after lecture 11 as well. It is important to introduce the landscape components (which are half of equation) early in the seminar so participants are thinking about landscape ecology as we go through the semester. Finally, the scale decisions presented in lecture 12 are applied in lecture 8 (if memory serves). So maybe:
2 3 4 13 5 6 7 11 12 8 9 14 10 (?)
Hi All,
I was also thinking thru the order and came to a similiar conclusion...I favor melanie's suggestion above but I also wonder if lecture 5 should move to lecture 2....I am imagining that each group will spend day 1 discussing the review papers on What is landscape genetics. It seems like having a lecture right after on What is a landscape would be good...then What is genetic diversity/gene flow etc...that seems more integrated than our current layout.