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Quick Reference for Data Entry




- enter data exactly as others have.  use the same abbreviations, capitalization, etc.

- don't include units in data cells.  for example, if the elevational range is 55 meters, enter "55", not "55m" or "55 meters"

- double-check your entries.  you've already spent a lot of time tracking down this information.




“Refuge” – the full name of the refuge

“Region” –the abbreviation for your region

“School” –your college or university

“Entered_By” – your initials

“Refuge Area” – area of the refuge from the Invasive Species Survey, in hectares (not acres)

“Max_elev” – maximum elevation from the Invasive Species Survey, in meters

“Min_elev” – minimum elevation from the Invasive Species Survey, in meters

“Elev_range” – range in elevations, maximum minus minimum elevation, in meters

“Habitats_broad” – habitat richness, i.e. the number of habitats, using the broad-scale classification

“Habitats_fine” – habitat richess, i.e. the number of habitats, using the fine-scale classification

“Evenness_broad”- habitat evenness, simpson’s index, using the broad-scale classification

“Evenness_fine” – habitat evenness, simpson’s index, using the fine-scale classification

“Native_spp” – the number of native plant species in the Refuge, from the refuge website or sent to you by refuge staff

"Native source" - the source for the data entered for native richness, e.g. refuge website, sent by manager, etc.

“Exotic_spp” – the total number of exotic plant species (not just problem invaders), from the refuge website or sent to you by refuge staff

"Exotic source" - the source for the data entered for exotic richness, e.g. refuge website, sent by manager, etc.

“Invasive_spp” – the number of problem invasive species from the Invasive Species Survey, or from follow-up information from refuge contacts

"Invasive source" - the source for the data entered for invasive richness, e.g. survey list, refuge website, sent by refuge contact, etc.

“Exotic pool” – the total number of exotic plant species in the county in which the refuge is located, from the Biota of North America Program

“Quality_score” – the data quality score for the refuge, calculated from the attached weighting scheme