Background reading
These articles provide helpful background on the project and may be assigned by your instructor
Adams et al 2013
- Recent study of amphibian declines across North America
Carr and Fahrig 2002
- Paper on the effects of roads and traffic on frogs in Ontario
Cushman 2006
- Review paper on the effects of habitat fragmentation on amphibians
Genet and Sargent 2003
- Interesting paper on the quality of volunteer amphibian survey data
Guerry and Hunter 2002
- Somewhat similar to our 2013 study - looks at effects of forest cover and location on amphibian occupancy of wetlands
Hamer and McDonnell 2008
- Review of the effects of urbanization on amphibian populations
Hermann et al. 2005
- Amphibian landscape associations at multiple scales in New Hampshire
Homan et al 2004
- Critical thresholds for habitat loss for wood frogs in Massachusetts
Pellet et al 2004
- Good study from Europe using concentric rings of different size to examine the effects of roads and traffic on amphibians
Price et al 2004
- Effects of land use on great lakes amphibians across multiple scales
Rittenhouse and Semlitsch 2007
- Cross-study comparison of how far frogs travel between their breeding ponds and their upland habitats
Rubbo and Kiesecker 2005
- Paper on urbanization and amphibian richness in PA
Semlitsch and Bodie 2003
- A review paper on the importance of upland habitat for amphibians in wetlands
Semlitsch et al. 2009
- BioScience overview of experiments on amphibians and habitat fragmentation
Sutherland et al 2010
- This is a good recent study of the effects and location of amphibian roadkill in North Carolina
Weir et al 2005
- Considering some of the issues that affect detection rate in NAAMP surveys