Up to Week 4: Identifying discrete populations
Hi Stephanie -
Nice coverage of different methods that are available laced with some excellent examples.
It looks like all of the methods fail at 100 generations (slide 45). Is this a lack of power issue? I am sure you will talk about this in the presentation of the material, but very interesting.
I am concerned about the idea of using spatial assignment tests for further spatial analysis. In several of the spatial approaches, they could impose spatial structure on the data. If those data are then analyzed in a spatial context, it could lead to false inference.
Dear Melanie
ABout slide 45, in fact at point 0: there is no booudary and succes is measrured as no boundary. AT generation 100 and after, pourcentage of success is detection of boundary. The value of 0 means that no boundary have been detected.
I hope that it is clear. I probably need to add the explanation on the slide.
Concerning the spatial question: we need to discuss more about that together.
See you soon