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Salmon Monitoring Advisor: Helping users to design and implement salmon monitoring programs


     Designing monitoring programs for Pacific salmon is complicated. The number of technical references on sampling design, fish monitoring indicators, field protocols, and resource management goals can be overwhelming. To date, there is no comprehensive, technically rigorous framework to help practitioners, decision makers, and those who fund monitoring programs to deal with this complex array of information. Our goal is to fill this gap with a comprehensive design process that synthesizes a wide array of information into a web-accessible, systematic framework for designing monitoring programs.


  • We offer an organized, carefully-structured procedure to help users efficiently design and implement salmon monitoring programs that are reliable, informative, and cost-effective.

  • The "Salmon Monitoring Advisor" provides advice and guidelines to help users systematically work through the numerous steps involved in designing, implementing, and analyzing results from monitoring programs to meet particular monitoring objectives.


  • A 7-step guide for salmon monitoring
  • A comprehensive and integrative design system (STRIDE, which stands for Spatial, Temporal, Response, and Inference Design)

  • A set of resources including examples, tools, and reference materials

  • An interactive, flexible interface that allows users to choose their own situation and compare alternative designs of monitoring programs that might fit that situation.

Where do you fit in?

     This web site is designed hierarchically to be used by a variety of people, including those who:

  • Determine funding levels for monitoring programs
  • Use results of monitoring programs to make decisions
  • Design monitoring programs or analyze the resulting data, or
  • Implement monitoring programs in the field.

     Before branching off into your respective sections of this web site, though, everyone needs to read some brief, basic information.

Next: Basic information about this web site


Repeat users only: 

     If instead you are a repeat user of this web site, then you probably do not need to read the "Basic information about this web site" again. In that case, just directly choose below where you fit in.  

I fund or authorize monitoring programs or use their results.

Help me decide
You either determine funding levels for monitoring programs or use their results to make decisions. Those decisions include everything along a spectrum that ranges from regulatory actions (such as those taken by government agencies) to local decisions about conservation actions made by watershed-level councils or stream-keepers' groups.

I am involved in the design, implementation, or analysis of monitoring programs.

Help me decide
You design monitoring programs, implement them in the field, or analyze the resulting data.


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