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Oregon Coast Coho Spawner Monitoring here

Hugh Smith Lake Sockeye Escapement Monitoring here 


Oregon Coast Coho Spawner Monitoring Goals and Objectives


  1. Provide statistically rigorous information on the status and trend of natural origin coho spawners in the Oregon Coast ESU



  1. Estimate the annual abundance of natural origin coho spawners in each of 21 "independent" population areas and 4 dependent population aggregates in the Oregon Coast Coho ESU with a 95% confidence interval of +- 30%.
  2. Estimate the annual abundance of natural origin coho spawners for the Oregon Coast Coho ESU with a 95% confidence interval of +- 30%.
  3. Estimate the annual distribution of natural origin coho spawners in the Oregon Coast Coho ESU with the ability to detect an annual change of  30% in distribution at each spatial scale described in objectives 1-3.

Hugh Smith Sockeye Escapement Monitoring Goals and Objectives


  1. Assess the status of the Hugh Smith Lake sockeye resource, and determine if the escapement goal was met at the end of the season.



  1. Continuously enumerate adult sockeye salmon escapement through the Hugh Smith Lake weir throughout the duration of the spawning season. 
  2. Summarize daily passage numbers to adjust the fishery intensity.
  3. Estimate total annual spawning abundance of adult (non-jack) sockeye salmon in Hugh Smith Lake by mark-recapture with an estimated coefficient of variation no greater than 15% of the estimate to validate the weir counts.
  4. Estimate of the annual size of the sockeye salmon spawning escapement at Hugh Smith Lake using either the weir counts or mark-recapture estimates.
  5. Estimate the annual age, length, and sex composition of adult sockeye salmon returning to Hugh Smith Lake.

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