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You are here: Home 2. Design 2.1 Status and Trend Monitoring Design 2.1.1 Spatial Design Dichotomous key for selecting appropriate spatial design Dichotomous key for selecting appropriate spatial design

By answering the following questions, you will be guided to the most appropriate spatial design category for your monitoring program. 

A graphical depiction of the decision process created by these questions is shown below:

Spatial Decision Tree Graphic


How to use this page

Starting at question 1, answer yes or no to the question(s) by clicking on the appropriate answer.  Based on your response, you will either be  taken to another question or sent to the pros and cons page of the appropriate spatial design category.


Q1: Will the target population be fully and adequately assessed by monitoring at only one site?

Yes   No


Q2: Can the field sampling protocols be implemented at all of the potential sites in the universe of inference?

Yes   No


Q3: Will you conduct field sampling at all of the potential sites throughout the study area? 

Yes   No


Q4: Is there information that will allow the development of models from which acceptable predictions can be made of the indicator status at sites that are not visited?

Yes   No


Q5: Is there monitoring at existing sites that were chosen opportunistically?

Yes   No


Q6: Should the current monitoring design continue?

Yes   No


Q7: Will substantially more sites be added?

Yes   No


Q8: Is there information that will allow the development of models from which acceptable predictions can be made of the indicator status at sites that are not visited?

Yes   No


Q9: Can a list be constructed of all feasible sample sites?

Yes   No

 Q10: Will all the feasible sites be sampled?

Yes   No


Q11: Is there information that will allow the development of models from which acceptable predictions can be made of the indicator status at sites that are not visited?

Yes   No


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Link changes needed

Posted by rodgers at Jul 30, 2009 04:35 PM
Once the pages for the four spatial design categories are completed may need to link to pertinent locations within those pages to connect user with restricted vs non-restricted options

Census questions (e.g. question 1)

Posted by rodgers at Jul 30, 2009 04:53 PM
Does a census only relate to counting numbers of fish? What about, for example) conducting a census of fish to obtain scales for age?

Census questions (e.g. question 1)

Posted by peterman at Aug 19, 2009 09:06 PM
I think we need to just be unambiguous in use of "census" by giving enough examples. We've already seen two uses (visiting all the sites vs. counting all the fish)