Discussion 10.18.10
Morning discussion - combined climate and anthropogenic drivers group Renamed: climate and land cover group
1. Do we add in land use cover into climate models? How so?
-Correlate land use cover in 2005 with monarch distribution data pooled from 2003-2007; data from NABA (large scale) and OH (small scale)
- start with adult abundances
- starting with coarse scale data (could decide whether we want 2001 (30m) or 2005 (250m) data)
- predictions on monarch relationship with landcover disturbance: density (lowest to highest) forest, urban, open
Comparison at large and smaller spatial scales
NABA: CEC 2005 (habitat)
OH: CEC 2005 (habitat)
To what degree is adult monarch abundance correlated with climate variables
What is the appropriate temporal and spatial scale for looking at this?
Incorporate thermal maxima
Exploring how thermal asymmetry affects the spatial scale of importance