6. Reporting Results: Overview
Overview Introduction Options, with examples Results and next steps
Analyses of data that are collected through salmon monitoring programs are often complex and technical. Such results are therefore difficult to communicate clearly to others. Here in Step 6, scientists will find suggestions for communicating their monitoring results more effectively, thereby making them easier to understand by people from a variety of backgrounds. Decision makers and other users of monitoring data will also find useful information here. More appropriate decisions should result from implementing these suggestions.
Specifically, this Step 6 provides ideas for scientists to effectively report conclusions from analyses of monitoring data to: (1) management agencies and other groups that fund monitoring programs, (2) salmon-conservation groups, (3) other scientists, and (4) technical staff.
- More information about your audiences
Managers/policy makers in organizations such as fisheries management agencies, the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC), and research- or administratively-oriented non-governmental salmon conservation organizations (NGOs) like the State of the Salmon program in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
People associated with local groups such as Watershed Councils, Stream-keepers, and other action-oriented salmon-conservation groups that conduct monitoring programs and make decisions about actions to take based on the results of their monitoring
- Scientists who design monitoring programs and analyze the resulting data
Technical staff who implement monitoring designs in the field.
Scientists must pay careful attention to reporting results in a timely and understandable manner to these groups; if confusion arises when readers interpret the results, evaluations of status and trends of salmon populations may be misinterpreted and inappropriate decisions may result. In addition, decision makers and others who use results of monitoring programs need to recognize that their complexities are not easily conveyed in brief summaries. It is necessary for such people to try to understand those complexities to the extent that they may influence their decisions.

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