2010 Administrative
Here we post the master schedule and the syllabi from all participating institutions
Schedule of Sessions
Instructions for student teams: Cambridge group
- Instructions and scheduling for students in the course. These are specific to the Harvard/MIT ("Cambridge") group but are relevant to all students.
Instructions to connect to video and general procedures
- Please email your presentations to beam0009@umn.eduby 2:00pm-CST on Mondays to have them uploaded to the UMConnectmeeting. Please copy cavender.bares@gmail.com as a back up. Detailed instructions for connecting to UM Connect are included in this folder. To connect remotely from any location, go to URL: umconnect.umn.edu/nceas
Syllabi from participating institutions
Sign-up for cross-institution student teams
- In an effort to promote cross-institution collaboration, this table provides a list of students interested in working with student teams from other institutions on sessions of particular interest. If you are a student and would like to sign up to work with another team, please contact Jeannine Cavender-Bares (go to Participants page) with your first and second choice options by Oct. 4, 2010. We will make every effort to include you in one of these groups.
How to log into the class sessions remotely.
- To connect remotely from any location, go to URL: umconnect.umn.edu/nceas