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Sustainability Science Reader

This folder contains a copy of the draft Sustainability Science Reader, plus the selections in the Reader recommended as supplementary reading for each session of the seminar. We would appreciate your feedback on the Readings in Sustainability Science and Technology that Bob Kates has drafted and from which the 2 or 3 additional readings for each session have been chosen. In particular, what additional readings would you like to see included in the Reader, where in the outline do they fit, what level are they (e.g., The Reading [1 or 2 items], Worth Reading [up to 10 items], or Worth Searching [3 items]), and ideally what reading would you substitute your recommended reading for. We are particularly interested in expanding articles that include case studies. If a topic or two has been left out, or a case hasn’t been made for some of those topics included, or if the writing in a particular instance is unclear and could be improved, please let us know that too. Please post your comments in the Discussion section of the web site under the relevant session, and send a copy by email to

Reader in Sustainability Science

This is the current draft of the Reader in Sustainability Science. It provides a structure for the literature of the field, and a selection of both essential and supplemental readings for the major dimensions of the field.

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Session 2 (20 Sept) Sustainable development and sustainability science

Supplementary readings from the Sustainability Science Reader (section in Reader, short title, citation; For copies see web site under ‘Readings/Sust Sci Reader’)

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