Chapters 1.1 through 3.1
101013 I have added chapter 3.1 on 'Emergent properties...' for discussion at the session on 1 November
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0_1_Table of Contents_vS1.doc
- Complete ToC for the book.
1_1_Sustsci & Sust Dev_vS2.pdf
- Introduction to the volume tracing the relationships between sustainable development (as a goal) and sustainability science (as a means of achieving that goal).
1_2_Trends & Transitions_vS2.pdf
- The puzzle to be explained: patterns in the long-term, large-scale interactions between humans and the environment.
1_3_HE system_vS1.doc
- A conceptual framework for thinking about the human-environment (HE) system.
- Conceptualizing human well-being and the role of the natural environment in shaping it.
- Appendix on how time, risk and intergenerational issues figure in the determination of human well-being.
2_2_Natural cap & sust dev_vS1.pdf
- Defining sustainable development in terms of how natural capital is transformed into human and manufactured capital.
2_2a_Natural cap & sust dev_Appendix_vS1.pdf
- Appendix on the estimation of shadow prices
2_3_Natural Cap & Environmental Services_vS1.pdf
- How natural capital and the environmental services that flow from them shape and are shaped by human development.
- How institutions -- seen as rules, norms, and expectations -- shape the interactions between humans and the environment.
- Externalities: Natural Capital and Institutional Failure
3_1_Emergent Properties (Vulnerability and resilience)
- This chapter addresses the cluster of emergent properties of coupled human environment systems that have been characterized as 'vulnerability' and 'resilience'. It also touches on the relation to these central themes of adaptiveness, threshold effects, etc. What it does not do, but should in its final form, is address additional relevant emergent properties suggested by a complex adaptive system perspective on HES.
Revised chapters