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Seminar Survey Results Available for Review
In the general forum of the discussion section you will find a new conversation started that includes the seminar feedback summary. Feel free to read the results and add any other comments or responses you think are important to add. This information will all be used to inform the administration of similar seminars in the future.
One last survey reminder:
Participant Survey Reminder -
Survey Reminder - Complete by December 17th
Participant Survey - response requested!
Hello all, please take a few minutes to complete a participants' survey on the Sustainability Science Distributed Graduate Seminar. You can find it here: It would be great to have responses completed by December 17th.
I have now posted proposed assignments for many of you for the session on Dec 6. You can read it under 'Discussion / Session 13 - Dec 6' in a Conversation at or near the top of the list entitled 'STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES FOR DEC 6...' Please read that Discussion item and respond on the list and to me by email ( indicating that you have read the proposal and indicating whether you can take the role proposed for you. Sorry for the late arrival of this request.
Core Questions suggested by Seminar Participants posted
I have summarized the core questions suggested by participants into a pdf file posted to the 'Weekly Session' folder for Dec 6. Please take a look if you can before class. I will be following this announcement with a request for particular students to take the lead in presenting particular questions. Please check back on the 'Announcements' page tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks. BC
Exploring sustainability issues through games and simulations. A hands on workshop for our Sustainability Science DGS. Friday December 3 from 10 AM to 1 PM
Dr. Luis Garcia Barrios will be leading a hands-on workshop to explore sustainability of social ecological systems through games and simulations online. Each participant will have access to the software while the session will be lead through Adobe and on the phone as monday's sessions. The software and indicators are described in the Garcia Barrios et al. 2008 paper poster for session 12. We hope as many students and faculty as possible can join. It will be fun and we will learn a lot.
Materials for week 11 posted
Discussion questions and supplemental readings from FIU students have been going up over the past few days and are now complete.
Hands on sustainability workshop. December 3 from 10AM to 1 PM. Everybody welcome!
Exploring sustainability issues in socio-environmental processes through games and simulations. A hands-on workshop Dr. Luis Garcia Barrios from ECOSUR Mexico will be facilitation a workshop on Friday December 3 10 AM to 1PM. In this short workshop (3 hrs) we will: a) give an introduction to a number of educational modelling tools we are developing to help stakeholders deal with the dynamical complexity of socioenvironmental systems ( 30 min. talk ); b) play and solve an interactive game (developed by us within the MESMIS group, and available on line in english) . It is an interactive Socio-Environmental Drama called:Production System Design amongst Stakeholders with conflicting interests (2:30 hours). See events section for further details.
Exploring sustainability issues in socio-environmental processes through games and simulations. A hands-on workshop
Dr. Luis Garcia Barrios from ECOSUR Mexico will be facilitation a workshop on Friday December 3 10 AM to 1PM. In this short workshop (3 hrs) we will: a) give an introduction to a number of educational modelling tools we are developing to help stakeholders deal with the dynamical complexity of socioenvironmental systems ( 30 min. talk ); b) play and solve an interactive game (developed by us within the MESMIS group, and available on line in english) . It is an interactive Socio-Environmental Drama called:Production System Design amongst Stakeholders with conflicting interests (2:30 hours). See events section for further details.
Material for Session 9 (Nov 8) on "Institutions" now posted
Readings, both required and supplemental, are posted under "Weekly sessions." Discussion questions from the ASU respondent team are posted under 'Discuss'. Participants are encouraged to respond to the posted Discussion questions, as well as to raise their own issues about the chapter and topic, both before and after the session.
Discussion topics have been posted for Monday's session on convergent and divergent development models.
Additional required (book) readings posted
Updates for sessions 7 (25 Oct, Human well-being, natural capital, and sustainable development) and session 8 (1 Nov, Emergent properties)
Revised topics for Nov 1 & Nov 15th
The session topics for Nov 1st & Nov 15th have been updated. Nov 1: Emergent Properties [Turner presenter/Heffernan & Harvard] Nov 15: Worked HES Examples [King presenter/??? & FIU]
We have a general template for the weekly discussions that we would like everyone to adhere to. Under the "discuss" tab inside the session number for the week, please use ONLY the following entries at this level: 1) General comments on the book chapter, 2) Topic 1, 3) Topic 2, 4) Topic 3, 5) General discussion. The session moderator and student group are responsible for setting up the template (with topics) by Wednesday prior to the Monday session that they are involved in. ALL other posts from other groups should go inside one of these ~five entries. Thanks very much for your help in keeping the website organized! Questions? Email Jeannine Cavender-Bares.
If you are a student interested in joining a student group at another institutions please contact Jeannine Cavender-Bares by Oct. 4.
Send your name, email address, and the topic and dates of your top two session choices; we will make every effort to assign you to one of these if it is not already over-subscribed. Your assignment will be posted on the sign-up table under "administrative."
A sign-up table for joining cross-institution student teams for Monday sessions has been posted
If students are interested in joining teams not at their home institution, please sign up on the table posted under "administrative".
A summary of Session 2 has been posted by the UMN students.
It is posted in "weekly sessions" under "Session 2".
Session 3 Study questions (27 Sept)
Please consider the following study questions when reviewing the reading for Session 3.
Posting comments on Session 2...
Please post comments about Session 2 (20 Sept: Sustainable development and sustainability science) under 'Discuss' (top or left of this page).