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You are here: Home Discuss Session 4 - 10.04.2010 The human-environment system Topic 1: Using CHES as a framework requires boundaries. How does one choose system boundaries, and how do these choices shape, limit outcomes, and otherwise pose problems?

Topic 1: Using CHES as a framework requires boundaries. How does one choose system boundaries, and how do these choices shape, limit outcomes, and otherwise pose problems?

Up to Session 4 - 10.04.2010 The human-environment system

Topic 1: Using CHES as a framework requires boundaries. How does one choose system boundaries, and how do these choices shape, limit outcomes, and otherwise pose problems?

Posted by chrising at October 02. 2010

Re: Topic 1: Using CHES as a framework requires boundaries. How does one choose system boundaries, and how do these choices shape, limit outcomes, and otherwise pose problems?

Posted by mtorres at October 07. 2010

In the CHES system:

-          There are natural limits (e.g., watersheds, vegetation, etc)

-          - There are social limits (e.g., levels of governance, hierarchy in decision making)

Is it necessary to limit such limits to define the objects of study?

- Yes, it is necessary to limit the boundaries between systems. With more studies there will be a better understanding of the systems

- Working with natural boundaries defined at small scales generate case studies and do not allow generalizations to larger scales

- However, if the scale of natural or social conditions and extended and examined for their influence over a defined area, generalizations are possible


Is it possible to maintain a constant level of organization in a given field and study?

 how it affects different social levels?


-Yes, it is possible to keep the level and it would be desirable to analyze human-environment interactions on a broader scale to make generalizations

- The effect of a local organization level on different geographical scales are important

- The importance of defining the time scales and effects transcales

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