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Candy et al. 2002


Candy, J. R., and coauthors. 2002. A discussion paper on possible new stock groupings (Conservation Units) for Fraser River chinook salmon. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Research Document 2002/085, Nainaimo, British Columbia, Canada.


Implementation of the Pacific Wild Salmon Policy (WSP) will require the identification of stock groupings called Conservation Units (CUs) for all species of Pacific Salmon. To generate discussion of the methodology under development to identify CUs, we present several possible hierarchies for Fraser River chinook salmon, each hierarchy with a range of possible CUs. A review of genetic and non-genetic evidence leads us to identify five or possibly six groups that are substantially isolated from each other, and represent important components in the evolutionary legacy of chinook. Non-Fraser chinook salmon need to be considered before we decide whether these groups (upper-mid Fraser/North Thompson, South Thompson, lower Thompson, lower Fraser spring reds, lower Fraser fall whites, and possibly lower Fraser summer reds) warrant designation as Evoloutionarily Significant Units. These groups constitute the first possible tier in several possible CU hierarchies. We further divide these groups according to productivity, marine catch distribution, return timing to freshwater and terminal fisheries management requirements. Since management targets will need to be established for each CU, annual management and assessment costs will be higher when more CUs are identified. However, with more CUs there may be additional fishing opportunities, and therefore these additional costs may be more than paid for. Before we can finalise the number and size of CUs for Fraser chinook we need to better articulate management objectives and consider the potential economic and social costs and benefits of various options.


  • Candy et al. (2002)
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