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Stoddard et al. 2006


Stoddard, J. L., and coauthors. 2006. Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA)--State of the Flowing Waters Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, EPA/620/R-06/001, Washington, DC.


This assessment serves the purpose of a report card on the state of streams and rivers in the Mid-Atlantic region. It combines data from two sample surveys of flowing waters conducted in the region by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during the period 1993-98.  Two unique aspects of this assessment are very important: (1) it focuses first on the biological status of streams and rivers (to assess their ecological condition), and then on the stressors having both the greatest extent and the greatest effects on biological assemblages; and (2) it results from a sample survey design that allow us to present the results as though every stream and river in the region had been sampled. It provides the first statistically unbiased assessment of the health of the region’s flowing waters.


  • Stoddard et al. (2006)
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